RTX 5090 Rumors: Release Date, Performance & Price

RTX 5090 GPU prototype release

If you’re a PC gamer, you’re probably wondering when the next generation of graphics cards will be released, specifically the RTX 5090. The Nvidia RTX 40 series was a huge leap forward in performance and features, but it also came with high prices and limited availability. So, what can we expect from the RTX 50 series? When will it be released, and what will it offer? In this article, we will try to answer these questions based on the latest rumors and predictions.

RTX 5090 Release date Rumors

The RTX 40 series was launched in late 2022 and early 2023, with the flagship RTX 4090 hitting the shelves in September 2022. Nvidia has stated that it plans to release new GPU architectures every two years, which means that we can expect the RTX 50 series to debut around the end of 2024. Of course, this is not a confirmed date, and it may change depending on various factors, such as market demand, supply chain issues, and competition from AMD. However, based on Nvidia’s track record and statements, the end of 2024 seems to be the most likely time frame for the RTX 50 series launch.

RTX 5090 Performance Rumors

The RTX 40 series introduced some impressive technologies, such as ray tracing, DLSS, and Reflex, that improved the visual quality and responsiveness of games. The RTX 50 series is expected to continue this trend and deliver even more performance and features. According to some rumors, the RTX 50 series will be based on a new GPU architecture codenamed Blackwell, which will be the first mainstream MCM (Multi-Chip Module) GPU from Nvidia. This means that instead of having a single large chip, the GPU will consist of multiple smaller chiplets that are interconnected by a high-speed bus. This could potentially result in a huge performance leap and efficiency improvement for the RTX 50 series.

RTX 5090 GPU prototype release 2
Credit: WiredColony.com

Another rumor suggests that the RTX 50 series will feature a new denoising accelerator that will be integrated into the ray tracing pipeline. This could significantly improve the ray tracing performance and quality of the RTX 50 series GPUs. Additionally, the RTX 50 series is rumored to debut GDDR7 memory, which could offer speeds up to 36 Gbps or higher. This would provide a massive bandwidth boost for the RTX 50 series GPUs, which could further enhance their performance.

Of course, these are all speculations based on unconfirmed sources, and we don’t have any official benchmarks or specifications for the RTX 50 series or RTX 5090 yet. However, based on Nvidia’s history of innovation and leadership in the GPU market, we can expect the RTX 50 series to be a game-changer for PC gaming. Read More: RTX 5090 could be over 2x faster than the RTX 4090

RTX 5090 Price Rumors

One of the biggest drawbacks of the RTX 40 series was its high price tag. The RTX 4090 launched at $1,599 USD, which was a steep increase from the previous generation’s RTX 3090 at $1,199 USD. The other models in the RTX 40 series also had higher prices than their predecessors. This was partly due to the high demand and low supply of GPUs in 2022 and 2023, which caused prices to skyrocket in the secondary market. However, it was also due to Nvidia’s strategy of positioning its GPUs as premium products that offer unparalleled performance and features.

Will the RTX 50 series (RTX 5090) follow the same trend and have even higher prices than the RTX 40 series? It’s hard to say for sure at this point, but it’s possible that Nvidia will try to maintain its profit margins and market share by charging more for its next-generation GPUs. After all, Nvidia has a loyal fan base that is willing to pay a premium for its products. Moreover, Nvidia may face less competition from AMD in the high-end segment of the GPU market, as AMD is reportedly focusing more on its RDNA4 architecture for consoles and mobile devices. Therefore, Nvidia may have more room to set its prices without losing customers.

RTX 5090 GPU prototype release 3
Credit: WiredColony.com

However, there are also some factors that could lower the prices of the RTX 50 series (RTX 5090) GPUs. For one thing, Nvidia may face more pressure from regulators and consumers to address the GPU shortage and scalping issues that plagued the RTX 40 series launch. Nvidia may also want to attract more customers by offering more affordable options for its next-generation GPUs. Furthermore, Nvidia may benefit from lower production costs and higher yields for its MCM-based GPUs, which could allow it to lower its prices without sacrificing its profits.

Ultimately, we don’t have any official information about the prices of the RTX 50 series GPUs yet. However, based on Nvidia’s pricing history and market position, we can expect them to be expensive but not prohibitively so.


The RTX 50 series (RTX 5090) is one of the most anticipated products in PC gaming history. It promises to deliver unprecedented performance and features that will take gaming to a new level. Based on the latest rumors and predictions, we can expect the RTX 50 series to launch around the end of 2024 and offer MCM-based GPUs with GDDR7 memory and improved ray tracing capabilities. However, we don’t have any official confirmation or details about these claims yet. Therefore, we should take them with a grain of salt until Nvidia reveals more information about its next-generation GPUs.

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